Lincoln Academy
81 Academy Hill
P.O. Box 382
Newcastle, ME 04553
Capital campaign for renovation of the Main Building
Maine Maritime Academy
Box C-3
Castine, ME 04420
Capital Campaign: Scholarships, Professorships, Technology, Building Renovators
Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance
P.O. Box 5359
Augusta, ME 04332-5359
Support of the Alliance's efforts to reform mathematics and science education
Read With Me Family Literacy Project
1476 Harpswell Neck Road
Harpswell, ME 04079
Engage families who are vulnerable to under-education, specifically targeting their enjoyment of reading
Saint Dominic Regional High School
179 Blake Street
Lewiston, ME 04240
Raise funds for constructing a new school building and complex
Senator George J. Mitchell Scholarship Research Institute
22 Monument Square
Suite 200
Portland, ME 04101
Mitchell Institute Leadership Experience
University of Maine
Heritage House
101 College Avenue
Orono, ME 04473-1511
William S. Cohen Center for International Policy and Commerce/William S. Cohen Papers
University of New England
716 Stevens Avenue
Portland, ME 04103-2670
Integrated Interdisciplinary Health and Healing, a national model of health professions education at the Westbrook College Campus of the University